App Development Engineer (joined as new graduate in 2023)


― What kind of work do you do? What is the composition of the team and how are the roles assigned?
I work on developing Clip Studio Paint, mainly on text layer development. The App Development Department is divided into teams of under 10 people per section, with the functions for Clip Studio Start and Clip Studio Paint roughly divided into teams, and each team member has their own area of responsibility.
― How did you hear about Celsys and what made you decide to join us?
I’ve been interested in computer graphics since I was a student. When I think of graphic software, Celsys' Clip Studio Paint was the first one to come to mind, so I applied through the new graduate recruitment page on the corporate website. Actually when I first applied I had already decided that I would join the company if I received a job offer.
Fortunately, I received a job offer early on and was invited to join the company as an intern first. So, hoping to gain a little work experience before joining, I became an intern.
― What impression did you have of the internship?
During my internship, I was actually involved in the development of Clip Studio Paint. I had no experience in large-scale app development, so there were a lot of things I didn't understand at first. However, my supervisor and instructors explained everything I needed to know. I will never forget the feeling of accomplishment I had when my work during the internship was incorporated into Clip Studio Paint for the first time.

― What do you focus on in your work?
I try to think about the significance of the task I am working on and whether the function is really necessary or useful. I also work hard to avoid getting bugs in the mix in my daily development tasks.
― What do you find challenging and enjoyable about your work?
I find it rewarding to see Clip Studio Paint improve through my work. I enjoy seeing the users’ reactions on social media as it helps me realize that my work is helping them. Also, I’ve always enjoyed coding, so it’s enjoyable to fix bugs in my daily work and develop new features.
― What kind of work style and company culture does Celsys have?
Although app development and programmers tend to be associated with long working hours, Celsys provides an environment where you can work on an appropriate schedule according to your abilities.
It is difficult to describe the corporate culture, but the atmosphere within the company is calm and I feel that it suits me.
ー What do you want to do or achieve at Celsys in the future?
I would like to continue to improve on the text layer feature of Clip Studio Paint. Recently Clip Studio Paint has added an easier and more intuitive UI available on smartphone and tablet devices called Simple Mode. I would like to be involved in the development of Simple Mode in the future, so that users of the smartphone version can use the app more.

― Finally, please give a message for current students
I would like to work with students who want to be involved in the development of Celsys apps. App development is something that is created by many people, so I would like to join forces with them to make the app even better.
Note: Stated information is as of the time of publication.
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